Fallout new vegas vault 11
Fallout new vegas vault 11

Kings will double whatever they are placed on. Ace and Joker played will remove all cards of your Ace's suit (an Ace of Spades and Joker will remove all spades from the table). Use Jacks to remove cards from your opponent. Jacks, Aces and Jokers are defensive plays. A Caravan deck has a minimum of 30 cards - which you can buy from merchants or find on dead bodies - so you need to choose those that will get you between 22 and 26 consistently while also giving you defensive cards to use against your opponent. You can stack the deck in your favor to win at Caravan virtually every time. Congratulations you now have 37 Gold Bars worth a total of 389.943 Caps. (You'll see what I mean) Make sure he is on or very near your C4. When Elijah finishes speaking, for some reason you and he switch places.

fallout new vegas vault 11

A blue force field will appear blocking your path, lay your C4 at the bottom of those stairs and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When the conversation ends leave the room immediately (it unlocks), and walk to the far right stairway. Elijah will appear on the monitor, convince him to meet you in the vault. IMPORTANT: Only read "Vera", DO NOT access the file that shows up after you read it. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk.

fallout new vegas vault 11

Take everything in the room that you want to including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the 1 gold bar on the overseers desk. Clearly you can not take them all - unless you use this exploit.Įnter the vault and the door will seal behind you. In the final part of the game you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Note: You will need a few C4 and a Detonator for this exploit. Steal All 37 Gold Bars In " Dead Money" (DLC) Load that save and you will land lightly on the ground. Submitted by: MVPxGEAR Don't Die from Falling

fallout new vegas vault 11

The Wild Wasteland perk is required to find it and the guide gives you a perminent survival skill boost of 3 points. What you do is travel to Lone Wolf Radio,then go in the camper and right next to a bed you will find it. If you've played Fallout3 and you know about Moira Brown's "Wasteland survival guide" than you know what this is. Finding Fallout 3's Wasteland Survival Guide

Fallout new vegas vault 11